My Thoughts on Launching Tahosa Capital

Tahosa CapitalIt has been about two weeks since Tahosa Capital announced its launch. I’ve found the launch to be invigorating. I find myself wanting to share the sense of purpose behind Tahosa Capital with anyone willing to listen. But, I can’t possibly reach everyone I know one-on-one; hence this post.

I started Tahosa Capital with a point of view on what it will take for Tahosa to be successful.

Start modestly And with a BHAG

Starting modestly (and alone) is humbling and really good. For now, Tahosa Capital is just me and a big hairy audacious goal (BHAG). As we wrote in Tahosa’s introductory blog post, Tahosa sets out with a clear sense

My Thoughts on Launching Tahosa Capital

Throw Out Your 2015 Strategy and Budget Right Now

The arrival of a new year (and the beginning of a new one) brings a flurry of cognitive churning. As individuals, we 1/ reflect on the year passed, 2/ ritualistically write and read predictions for the next year, and 3/ make resolutions and set goals that are intended to inspire us to greatness during the next twelve months.

I’ve come to see this all as distinctly human but also quite strange. 1/ We can’t do anything about what happened in the past, and many of our “reflections” end up being revisionist history. 2/ The predictions we make – at least the most interesting of them – are almost invariably wrong, but we make them anyway as a way to either “exert control” on our world or to show others how smart we…

Throw Out Your 2015 Strategy and Budget Right Now